On January 27, 2011 Eric Merkley was diagnosed with osteosarcoma. An aggressive cancer that we hope and the doctors to this point seem confident that is contained to one spot on his leg. Prognosis is good. Treatments and recovery will be long and painful.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Eric's body responed well to my excellent nursing...and the shots that I gave him. :) okay, it was because of the excellent care here, but is was fun to tease him about giving the shots. His white blood count is excellent. He will need a blood transfusion to boost his red blood cells, but we are coming home today!!! When the doctor told him the news about how well he responded to the nuepogen, Eric said "it's because I'm a man!". She started laughing hard and said "you just made my day!". Did I mention we get to come home?!

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