On January 27, 2011 Eric Merkley was diagnosed with osteosarcoma. An aggressive cancer that we hope and the doctors to this point seem confident that is contained to one spot on his leg. Prognosis is good. Treatments and recovery will be long and painful.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

#15 underway

Eric's new crocheted sock. I laughed when he said he wanted one, but I think he just wanted me to do another project for him and not Macklyn..... :) My baby is jealous about the baby.....
I think the sock looks like a sock straight out of a Dr Seuss book...Now that takes talent. :)

#15 treatment. Methotrexate is yellow as you can see. If you will notice the brown bag, it covers the chemo, because light will compromise the chemo... that is how sensitive it is.

We have about an hour left of this drip and so far so good. He was able to make the counts to start this chemo treatment.... obviously. I was concerned when I heard how low they are, but the doctor said that as long as we keep viruses away from him, he should be able to stay on schedule for the next treatment. Eric does pretty good about keeping the germs off his hands... the kissing may be a different issue. When we admit Eric, it is now a common occurrence to have the Nurse Practitioner ask for "Eric" stories. She told him today that she lives for his stories. :)

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