On January 27, 2011 Eric Merkley was diagnosed with osteosarcoma. An aggressive cancer that we hope and the doctors to this point seem confident that is contained to one spot on his leg. Prognosis is good. Treatments and recovery will be long and painful.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Zone Leader

2 weeks ago, I received a wonderful email, but no letter. I thought he must be just really busy. Last week Eric sent me a quick email promising more details to come. I was a little bummed when I left out of town with no letter, but when I arrived home last night, not only did I get that promised letter, I had 4!! 2 from the prior week and 2 from last week.

He sent "The Living Christ" and "Proclamation to the world" in Laotian.
 (I tried to scan the Proclamation, but it did not work.  I wanted you to see the written word he is learning.)  The only way I can read these documents is with an English version right next to it.  J.  Eric told of a story how he was called into the Branch Presidents office. He thought he was in trouble for something, but learned that they were calling him to be the new Zone leader.  He was feeling a little overwhelmed.  He said that it is hard enough learning 2 languages, but now he is responsible for a group of missionaries.  I know he will do a great job. 

Eric has asked for friends and family to write him through “Dear Elder”.  I am not familiar with this web site, but I know a lot of people use it.  McKell said it is really easy.  You create your own account (which is free) and log in, write Eric a letter with all the same address info and they will print off the letter and send them over to him.  It cost you nothing!  J  And Eric gets lots of letters! 
Bottom line is he is doing great excited he has made it through ¼ of his stay at the MTC.  He has even claimed that he has forgotten what the “real world” is like, while still loving Sundays and the amazing talks that are given.

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