On January 27, 2011 Eric Merkley was diagnosed with osteosarcoma. An aggressive cancer that we hope and the doctors to this point seem confident that is contained to one spot on his leg. Prognosis is good. Treatments and recovery will be long and painful.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Treatment #6

We have made it back to Primary's for treatment #6. I was telling Eric on the way up, that I can't believe that I am giving up my trip with him to Moab for Primary's. Oh well we will make it up later.
He came to PMC with a big box of fruit snacks and was offering to share with all the nurses... Which Irish was happy to take part in the snack fest.
Eric is getting a blood transfusion before they start the next treatment of Methetrexate. Which is okay. Last time they did the transfusion after the treatment. This time they wanted to give it before to see if it helps with his energy. He did gain one pound at home. :) I am sure he will lose it before we go home, even with all the fluids. But I figure we have 3 weeks after this treatment to put some weight on him. :)
Eric put a pair of shorts that he has not worn for a several weeks on Saturday and came out holding the waist band. I said why don't you tighten the strings so they don't fall down, he said "But I did!" Poor guy.

Okay so Eric read the blog and informed me that these particular shorts would have fallen off him anyway, because they are size 38. So I misled you earlier. Sorry. :)

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